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Fruit & Vegetable

Collection of Lipmachum

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자
댓글 0건 조회 562회 작성일 21-11-08 14:26


The Lipmachum strives to strengthen competitiveness of agricultural sector in order to deliver highest quality agricultural foods for consumers by fostering agricultural experts and to manage economic stability of farmers by creating an agricultural product brand by Gyeonggi province and Gyeonggi Nonghyup which is based on pears and graphs in southern district of Gyeonggi.
We provide the consumers with safe farm products through the cultivation tracking management by 600 agricultural experts who completed regional specializing program.
Lipmachum, Gyeonggi province, and Southern district of local governments such as Ahnsan city, Anseong city, Pyungtak city, Hwaseong city, Nonghyup Central Gyeonggi headquarter, and 12 Nonghyups with Lipmachum agricultural community are work together for planning and performing in order to produce high-quality farm products with competitive power.
Lipmachum look forward to be a happy partner with buyers who are insisting fine products as if a sweet kiss between consumers and farmers with sincerely. We will grow up as well as agricultural community and farmers are happy in continued support of consumers and interest of buyers.

Go to the Google Drive link and download it.